Roycroft Master
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#7104 14 kt. ROSE gold filled Roycroft china Floral Pendant $225 includes 24" chain shown Large 1-3/4" tall Color: White w/green & deep red floral Design

#8667 Sterling Silver Roycroft pottery pendant. White w/green & red floral design. 24" chain incl. 2” tall $210 #8667E silver spiral multi earrings $33

#8664 large Roycroft pottery bracelet sterling silver w/natural cultured pearl accents $350 Approx 6-3/4" wrist Face Size: 3/4"

#8656 Sterling Silver Watermelon & dark grey colored varasite stone pendant w/crystal accents 2” tall $72 #8656E silver spiral earrings $35 Chains are sold separately.

#8655 Very large sterling silver dark blue lapisstone pendant 2" tall x 1-1/2 " wide $210 #8655E lapis drop earrings $30 Chains are not included. To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8634 medium 14 kt. gold simlated emerald gem pendant 1-1/2" tall $110 #8634E green crystal chandelier earrings $42 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8633 cut china pendant. 14kt. gold-filled setting. Cream & gold pattern 1-3/4" $79 #8633E Large pearl drop earrings $33 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8637 Sterling Silver green ruby zoisite stone pendant 2” tall deep pink & green with pink crystal accent $79 #8637E silver spiral earrings $35 Chains are sold separately.

#8639 Sterling silver pendant, chain & earring set only. Very Large 3" tall pendant. Lapis, simulated tanzanite & natural elongated & round pearls. 20" silver chain included. Matching Lge earrings 2-1/8 " tall incl. leverbacks

#8649 Sterling Silver abalone shell pendant 1-3/8” tall w/aqua crystal accents $65 #8649E silver drop aqua crystal earrings $33 Chains are sold separately.

#8644Sterling Silver hemotite stone pendant 2” tall $85 #8644E silver hematite drop earrings $30 Chains are sold separately.

#8654 Sterling Silver striped grey jasper stone pendant 2” tall w/hematite bead accents $85 #8637E silver grey multi specked chandelier earrings $42 Chains are sold separately.

#8666 Sterling Silver & 14 kt. gold-filled two toned setting w/green ruby zoisite stone pendant 2” tall med green with pink & black speckles $82 #8666E green & silver spiral earrings $33 Chains are sold separately.

#80903 Sterling silver pendant, chain & earring set only. Hematite stones. Heavy 20" silver chain included. Very lge pendant 2" tall x 2-1/8" wide Earrings 2-3/8 " tall incl. leverbacks

#89024 statement pendant & earrings set only. 14kt. gold filled 3-1/2" tall pendant w/carnelien & jasper stones. Set incldes chain & long earrings.

sod as part of the set #80902

#8590 Lab Opal sterling silver bracelet $245 Approx 6-3/4" wrist Face Size: 3/4"

#85901 Lab Sapphire & pearl sterling silver bracelet $350 Approx 6-3/4" wrist Face Size: 3/4"

#8591 sterling silver blue/aqua Larimar Pendant large elongated with lab blue spinel gem accent 2-1/8" tall $110 #8591E aqua'blue howlite drop earrings earrings $30 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8601 sterling silver smokey quartz pendant 1-1/2" tall $125 #8601XE (left) smoket quartz gem earrings 1-3/4"" long incl. lever backs $92 #8601E (right) sterling silver spiral smokey quartz bead earrings $33 Chains are sold separately

#8599XE Large Earrings Sterling Silver Lab white opal w/multi colored flashes. 2-1/4" long incl. leverbacks $110

#8602 med sterling silver elongated pearl pendant 1-3/4" tall $45 #8602E lond elongate pearl earrings $35 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8486 small 14 kt. rose gold filled Lab white opal pendant w/pink, yellow & multi flashes, w/opal accent bead 1-1/4" tall $83 #8428E white lab opal loop & drop opal earrings $42 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8428 small sterling silver Lab white opal pendant w/pink, yellow & multi flashes,w/lab amethyst gemstone accent 1-1/8" tall $83 #8428E white lab opal loop & drop opal earrings $42 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8564 Sterling Silver Tiger Cowries Shell Pendant w/pale chocolate crystal dangle 2-1/4” tall $72 #8564E dangling chain earrings Chains are sold separately.

#8565 Sterling Silver Tiger Cowries Shell Pendant 21-5/8” tall $65 #8564E dangling chain earrings w/pale chocolate crystals earrings $35 Chains are sold separately.

#8406 lge 14kt. gold filled pendant 2-1/2" tall Natural taupe brown fossil, pale smokey quartz gemstone $265 #8406E gold filled tigereye & smokey crystal butterfy wing earrings $42 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8614 cut Buffalo china pendant Sterling silver large 2-1/8" tall $189 green pattern , INCLUDES 24" chain 1.85mm rope chain shown.Chains are sold separately. To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8434 Lab Created Aqua Spinel bracelet w/lab aqua opal accents $289 Approx 6-3/4" wrist Sterling Silver Face Size: 7/8" To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8575 Lab created Ruby Med Pend $125 14 kt. gold fill 1-3/4" tall #8575 Red crystal drop earrings $33 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8559 Lab Created Ruby Medium Sterling Silver Pendant $92 1-1/4" tall #8559XE silver lab created ruby silver earrings 1-3/8" tall incl. lever backs (small) $75 #8559E small red crystal silver drop earrings $28 Chains are not included

#8541 sterling silver large fascited African Ruby stone pendant, deep pink opague color 1-3/4" tall $99 #8541E deep pink pearl butterfly wing design earrings $42 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8589 Reversible Abalone & black stone statement necklace. $320 Sterling Silver 1-3/4" tall x 2-1/4" wide. 20" silver chain shown included. To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

Reverse side of Item #8589

#8494XE sterling silver large hematite stone earrings 1-1/2" long incl. lever backs $89

#8573 sterling silver hematite stone pendant 1-5/8" tall $75 #8573E (left) hematite chandelier earrings $42 #8494XE (right) sterling silver large hematite stone earrings 1-1/2" long incl. lever backs $89 Chains are sold separately

#8567 sterling silver black onyx stone pendant 1-5/8" tall $75 #8573E Black onyx butterfly wing design earrings $45 Chains are sold separately

Sterling Silver Buffalo nickel pendant circa1913-1938 #8527 Med 1-1/4" tall $68 #8527E silver spiral earrings $35 Chains are not included

Vintage Buffalo nickel earrings, circa1913-1938 #8200 set in sterling silver $110 2" tall

Sterling Silver Buffalo nickel pendant w/hematite stone bead accents circa1913-1938 #8522 Med 1-1/4" tall $72 #8522E silver hematite stone drop earrings $30 Chains are not included

24kt. gold plated Vintage Buffalo nickel earrings, circa1913-1938 #8210 set in 14 kt.gold fill $140 Very long 2-1/2" tall

24kt. gold plated Buffalo nickel pendant circa 1913-1938 #8606 set in 14 kt. gold fill Le 2-1/4" tall $95 #8606E (left) 14kt.gold filled chandelier earrings $42 #8606E (right) 14kt.gold filled loop & drop w/cross earrings $42 Chains are not included

24kt. gold plated Buffalo nickel bracelet circa1913-1938 #8250 set in 14 kt.gold fill $265 Approx 6-3/4" wrist Face Size: 1"

24kt. gold plated Buffalo nickel pendant circa 1913-1938 #8246 set in 14 kt.gold fill Med 1-3/4" tall incl. dangles $75 #8246E spiral earrings $35 Chains are sold separately

#8555 Rainbow Quartz Large Sterling silver pendant $145 2" tall #8555E (left) multi colored crystal drop earrings $30 #8555E (right) silver chandelier crystal earrings $42 Chains are sold separately

#8551 Simulated Tanzanite Large Sterling Silver Pendant $145 1-3/4" tall #8551E silver butterfly wing design earrings $45 Chains are not included

#8500 cut from Marigold Carnival glass. Art nouveau sterling silver setting pendant, cantelope orange color w/etchings & flashes. Large 2" tall $89 #8500E orange, golden crystal & pearl spiral $35 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8501 pendant cut from Marigold Carnival glass. Sterling silver, cantelope orange color w/etchings & flashes. Large 2" tall $89 #8501E orange chandelier silver earrings $38 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8514 sterling silver blue/aqua Larimar Pendant large elongated 2-3/8" tall $110 #8514E long pearl & crystal spiral earrings $35 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8404XE large earrings sterling silver aqua blue natural Larimar stone earrings w/aqua crystal accent bed. 2" long incl. lever backs. $145

#8538 sterling silver blue Larimar med pendant 1-1/2" tall $93 #8538E blue lab opal & pearl spiral earrings $38 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8227 14kt. gold filled small Larimar Pendant 1" tall $52 Color: Aqua/blue #8227E small spiral earrings $28 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#7529 sterling silver aqua Larimar Pendant Small 1" tall $65 #7529E silver aqua lab opal & pearl spiral earrings $38 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#6955 14kt. gold filled Larimar Pendant Med 1-5/8" tall $78 Color: Aqua/blue #6955E 14kt. gold filled drop opal & aqua crystal earrings $35 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8480 14t. gold filled large bumble bee jasper stone earrings 2" long incl. lever backs $92

#8516 sterling silver Bumble Bee Jasper pendant, golden yellow & grey colors w/golden yellow pearl accent 1-1/4" tall $65 #8515E yellow & gold pearls w/hematite spiral earrings $33 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8511 medium 14 kt. gold filled lab pink sapphire pendant 1-1/2" tall $110 #8511XE lab pink sapphire1-5/8" earrings w/leverbacks $92 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8487 14kt. ROSE gold filled Lab white opal 2-bead butterfly wing necklace w/multi flashes 1-1/4" tall w/18" thin rose god fill chain incl. $47 #8487E white lab opal rose gold filled chandelier earrings $45 To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#5603 sterling silver Natural Dendrite Opal Stone Pendant very large statement piece 2-1/2" tall $210 Color: milk, grey, black #5603XE very long silver Natural Dendrite Opal stone 2-1/2" long earrings w/lever backs $110 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below:

#8224 Lge elongated 14 kt. gold fill opal dentrite stone pendant. 1-3/4" tall $79 #8224XE large stone earrings 2" long $95 #8224 loop pearl & hematite earrings $38 Chains are not included To purchase this item now, copy & paste item info & go directly to order link below: